---------------------------- HTML Hyperedit ---------------------------- HTML HyperEdit is a facility designed for MS-Windows(tm) users to aid and assist in the creation of HTML documents. It also comes with an introduction to Hypermedia and a HTML Hyperedit walkthrough. HTML documents are simply plain text documents with special tags that client programs such as NCSA Mosaic use to decide how to display the text (bold, italics) and how to link documents together. HTML is a collection of styles used to define various components of the document. This version (v0.3a) is largely based on "A Beginners Guide to HTML" produced by NCSA. (Thanks guys!). I'm putting this together primarily for my own use, but anyone else who may find it useful is free to use it! (Subject to conditions below). Background: -------------------- This program has been put together entirely in my own spare time for the following purposes:- 1. To make it easier to edit HTML documents, including importing existing text documents for quick conversion to HTML 2. So I could become more familiar with HTML and also get in a bit of Toolbook development. (I didn't have time to do it in C, apologies to the purists out there!) 3. To provide a tool that someone who knows little about HTML could use for creating documents and learning about HTML. (I may as well make my teaching tasks easier too!) Although there are some good Word macros to make HTML documents, editors on other platforms are available etc, and even an RTF to HTML converter, a simple Windows editor was lacking. So I thought I'd throw one together, primarily for my own purposes. However, I've made it available for anyone else who may find it useful. (FTP to info.curtin.edu.au, directory pub/internet/mswindows/hyperedit). Changes since v0.2a ---------------------------------- - News link fixed (simpler dialog) - Standard load and save dialogs - Search and replace - Better link information, only the information required for a particular type of link is displayed - Gopher types (kludge, sort of there, more to go) - Improved interface - Link to anchors within documents - Local file link through a standard dialog box - Streamlined telnet information entry - Improved some code, lots to go though - Compose URL feature, and allow editing of URL before placing into document Features v0.2a: ------------------------- The following document tags are supported: - Titles - Six levels of headings - Inline images, aligned top or bottom - Simple numbered and unnumbered lists - Address tags - Italic/citation/variable text format - bold/strong text format - fixed-width font format - preformatted text - blockquotes - anchors within documents - URL links to files, WWW servers, gopher, telnet, News Other features include: - Everything easily accessible from one screen using clearly labelled controls - Multiple documents (3 at the moment) - Automatic insertion of paragraph markers - History of previous links placed (server, directory and filenames) for easy referencing of the same resource again - An on-line HTML tutorial (lots to add to this one!) - Hypermedia Introduction (and this one too!) - Saving/Loading/Clearing of documents - Standard Cut/Copy/Paste/Select functions available - Quick-reference box which changes as you move the pointer over different buttons To Install -------------- - Unzip the program into a single directory - Activate the program from either the file manager, or create an icon in the program manager My To-Do/Wish List -------------------------------- These will be added as time permits, not necessarily in any order. - Descriptive lists - Printing - Improve speed of paragraph tagging - More intelligence (eg no paragraph tags if line is a heading!) - Better error checking - Better search and replace - Documents > 30K - Escape sequences - Document preview (possibly) - WYSIWYG (more likely) - Improve interface, especially link additions - Add shortcut keys - Many other HTML capabilities - Lots of optimisation/tidying up to do - The tutorial need lots of work too - Images? - It goes on.......! Distribution ------------------ HTML Hyperedit is (C) Steve Hancock. HTML Hyperedit v0.3a may be freely distributed to anyone who wants it, or who may want to make use of it (subject to the disclaimer and conditions below). Conditions ----------------- This version is completely freeware. It must not be sold or given away either bundled or unbundled with any non-free package without prior permission from the author. (ie you are not allowed to make any money selling this package with or without any other package)! Disclaimer ----------------- And because it is free, the author accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions, problems, loss of data, theft of computer, the weather, extinction of the dinosaurs or Billy Ray Cyrus records. Contact ------------ Any bug reports/suggestions/gripes/complaints etc please email to: s.hancock@info.curtin.edu.au Steve Hancock User Advisor - Network Applications Educational Computing Services Curtin University Computing Centre Western Australia